
Kimberly Costa

5 things I love about digital product design

Published 12 months ago • 3 min read

We both love digital products, right Reader?

After a rather bumpy week last week, I was sitting and thinking about how grateful I am that I get to design digital products from the comfort of my home. It allows me the time I need to focus on the things that matter, when they're happening.

I felt overcome with gratitude as I read the comments of the people whose work I reviewed this past week. Something that I love doing so much, really has an impact on the products they are designing. It feels so gratifying to be able to help in such a personal way.

So today I wanted to share the TOP FIVE reasons why I love working in design, specifically digital product design, and helping you create products that will help you design the life you want to live.

Are you ready?! Alright, let's go!

#1– I love that even though we're currently focusing on digital product design, design itself has no limits.

Learning to design something beautiful, no matter what it is, teaches you principles that you can transfer into all sorts of design. Practicing design, will help you get better and you can turn your digital designs into physical products of any kind and I think that is so satisfying!

Check out some of the products that Creative Lab members are making with the Summer Smiles Collection!

#2– I love digital design as much as I love working in the physical space and design allows you to do both.

I've been working as a designer for over 20 years and I've never gotten bored. Cultivating a good design habit is something that continues to pay in dividends as you grow and collect new interests. I've gone from animation, to illustration, to brand design, to web design, to product design, to surface design... all the principles of design transfer from one discipline to another. So developing design skills gives you expansive opportunities and I LOVE that!

#3– I love seeing myself in your work.

It's so amazing to be teaching design inside the Creative Lab. I see people who are starting out and others who are further along, but I see myself in each and every person. We're all learning and trying to design a life for ourselves that just a few years ago, wasn't easy and sometimes even not possible. Stop a moment and think about how wonderful it is that we get to be business owners! Yes, it takes time to be successful, but it is possible!

#4– I love that I started with a dream and can now help others with that same dream.

I started freelancing before I had children. I knew I wanted to stay home with my babies, long before I had them. That's a dream that my mother planted in me by staying home with us. I grew up with latch-key kids and saw the impact of that first hand and always felt lucky to have my mother at home. I wanted that for my family and I know many of the wonderful people I work with want to be home too, for many reasons. Designing our own products and business, makes staying home possible and that's something to celebrate!

#5– I’ve been able to carve my own path.

Design is quite broad and I'm thankful for that, because I bore easily. 🤭 What's wonderful about it too is that design can be like bricks that you put one on top of the other. It allows you to create a foundation that you can then use to create many different things: digital products, physical products, surface designs, web designs... the list goes on. I've done a lot of design and I love that I've now added teaching design to help people design their life which is what I've been able to do for my own family.

Alright, sweet friend. That’s all I’ve got for you today. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about why I love what I do. 💜

Don’t forget, I’m always here to help you design beautiful products and a beautiful brand that'll help you to design your own dream life. Find all the ways I can help right here.

Looking forward to getting creative with you!


Design delightful products with the best tools & training for product creation. Learn more about the Creative Lab!

ps. Don't forget that the Summer Smiles Collection is on sale right now if you want to grab summery art that'll help you create beautiful products like Misty and Tricia are creating in the Lab.

Kimberly Costa

Delightful Product Designs

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